High-Performance Instructing

A high-performance Instructor will:

  • be adaptable

  • be dependable

  • be able to conduct the same training session to meet the diverse needs of differing cohorts (student groups)

  • be professionally inquisitive

  • have advanced instructor knowledge

  • be able to lead/support educational teams

  • be a proactive strategic planner

  • Demonstrate an empathy for the stakeholders they work with

  • Consistently produce a high-performance learning culture where the cohort is the focus.

At Transformation Consultancy we believe enhancing graduate outcomes is a core focus of all continually improving training organisations. At Transformation Consultancy we consistently reference 46 teaching techniques to strengthen the diverse faculty we work with. Additionally, we believe that a high-performing instructor is someone willing to give back to the members of the faculty group by empathetic leadership and support.

Online Professional Development

If you want further support with this career enhancing topic take a moment to review our dedicated online professional development course.

High-performance instructing - students are always the focus of all that we do!

High-performance instructing - students are always the focus of all that we do!

When we first meet with faculty groups the first step we implement is associated with a practical self-reflection session. We encourage all instructors to complete our self-reflection tool (importantly the findings remain private). We then commence to address the principles above via a collaborative discussion. Issues addressed include:

  1. Strategic career planning

  2. Ability to conduct a training need analysis

  3. Student-centered learning principles

  4. Sources of information to inform continual improvement

  5. Assessment tools and instruments

  6. Innovation techniques

  7. Constructive leadership

  8. Team support techniques

  9. Professional network establishment

  10. Team coaching

FREE Resource

You are welcome to request our FREE self-reflection tool to support your professional practice! Contact us and request this resource.


Empowering Faculty


Online Student Retention